360 Feedback Competency: Customer Focus

Satisfies Customer
  • Actively works to ensure that the customer has a satisfying shopping experience and leaves the store with the desire to return.
  • Considers customers point of view when making decisions.
  • Does whatever it takes to make sure the customers' needs are fully met.
  • Focuses on needs of customers.
  • Focuses the team on meeting customers' requirements
  • Makes the extra effort to exceed customer expectations.
  • Has received few complaints from customers.
  • Is effective in satisfying customer needs.
  • Satisfies customers' needs by offering product knowledge and alternative product to meet needs.
  • Stays focused by seeing all aspects of the store through the customers' eyes.
  • Understand customer needs

Customer Relationships
  • Develops strong customer relationships.
  • Maintains positive customer relationships.
  • Develops good rapport and trust with the customer.
  • Form strong customer relationships
  • Forms strong customer relationships
  • Our team's current activities reflect a strong focus on the customer
  • Has a positive rapport with customers.
  • Spends time with customers to define their expectations and where improvements can be made

  • Asks questions and listens carefully to determine customer needs and to ensure that the customer's needs are met.
  • Listens to and fully understands the customers needs.
  • Maintains communication with customers.
  • Communicates regularly with customers to get feedback and performance information.

Problem Solver
  • Evaluates both operating and customer requirements when solving a problem.
  • Finds ways to measure and track customer satisfaction.
  • Adjusts priorities to respond to changing customer needs.
  • Responds to customer needs, questions, and concerns in an accurately timely manner.
  • Seeks to understand what the customer wants or needs.
  • Responds to customer objectives and needs.

Meets Commitments
  • Ensures all customer commitments & requirements are met or exceeded.
  • Ensures all customer commitments and requirements are met or exceeded.
  • Ensures customer commitments are met with quality products and services.
  • Ensures that customer service standards are maintained while completing sales support tasks by greeting, assisting, and thanking each customer.

Role Model
  • Communicates to associates that visual presentation of the store should reflect the customer's point of view and what they would like.
  • Consistently models positive customer service attitudes.
  • Displays behaviors that support a broad definition of customer.
  • Ensures that the customer's needs receive primary focus.
  • Generates customer-focused solutions that add value to the business.

Action Oriented
  • Acts in an empowered way to handle customer service issues at store level.
  • Does not hesitate to address customer concerns or complaints.
  • Follows up to ensure customer needs are met
  • Has a sense of urgency regarding customer communication and satisfying customer needs.
  • Provides prompt service to customers.
  • Solves customer problems in a quick and efficient manner.
  • Responds quickly to customer problems and needs.
  • Seeks opportunities to do things that have a positive impact on customers before being asked or forced by circumstances
  • Turns customer needs into actions and results.
  • Works extra if needed to assist a customer.

Helpful Attitude
  • ...friendliness and courtesy
  • ...friendliness and courtesy of our customer service representatives/tellers
  • Expresses courteous attitude with customers.
  • Is not condescending toward customers.
  • Is willing to answer questions from customers.
  • Works with customers to meet their needs.
  • Understands the importance of addressing customer concerns.
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