360 Feedback Competency: Coaching

Employee Development
  • Develops the skills and capabilities of others.
  • Develops subordinates.
  • Knows the capabilities and motivations of the individuals in the work group.
  • Provides assignments and experiences to develop employees.
  • Shows employees where they need to develop
  • Shows employees their development needs
  • Helps others to identify key goals and use their talents to achieve success.

Gives Feedback
  • Conducts regular performance appraisals and feedback.
  • Provides clear, motivating, and constructive feedback.
  • Provides guidance and feedback to help accomplish a task or solve a problem.
  • Meets regularly with employees to coach them on areas that will enhance their performance
  • Shows employees their areas of strengths
  • Offers constructive feedback to improve performance.
  • Gives factual, specific and non-judgmental feedback.
  • Gives feedback based on specifics and facts.

Understand Job Roles
  • Helps employees to understand responsibilities, authority, and expectations.
  • Coaches employees in how to strengthen knowledge and skills to improve work performance.
  • Helps the employee to understand the present situation in detail
  • Helps the employee to understand factors impacting the job
  • Helps the employee to understand factors impacting the organization
  • Helps employees to understand the responsibilities and expectations of their job.
  • Helps others to understand the responsibilities and expectations of working for _____.

Corrects Mistakes
  • Helps employees to find and correct their own errors
  • Addresses employee behavior problems effectively.
  • Helps employees accept negative feedback without becoming defensive
  • Gives constructive feedback without becoming confrontational.

High Performance
  • Helps employees to maintain high personal standards.
  • Coaches and mentors employees to achieve excellence.
  • Coaches employees to achieve high performance.
  • Helps employees achieve high performance.
  • Encourages employees to achieve their full potential.
  • Provides challenges that go beyond perceived limitations

  • Is attentive to the needs of employees
  • Is attentive to the needs of others
  • Takes time to learn the work interests and career goals of employees.

  • Asks questions that lead to discovery, insight or action.
  • Asks questions that challenge assumptions.
  • Asks open-ended questions to create inspiration and innovation.

  • Creates plans for achieving results that are specific, measurable and have target dates.

  • Creates opportunities for others
  • Creates opportunities for employees
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