Asks the "right" questions to size up or evaluate situations.
Recognizes areas of missing data and suggests other ways to obtain the needed information.
Data Driven
Analyzes data and information from several sources and arrives at logical conclusions.
Connects experiences, analyzes the facts and spots issues across a wide array of legal and business issues to see patterns and draw conclusions not readily apparent to others.
Is comfortable working with numbers and data.
Uses analytical techniques to assure that adequate resources are available to meet the needs of the department.
Examining problems in depth and from multiple points of view.
Develops Knowledge
Identifies the root cause of a problem.
Understands complex issues and problems.
Understands and capitalizes on relationships between conflicting goals.
Problem Solving
Analyzes issues and reduces them to their component parts.
Divides complex problems or tasks into components/parts for further analysis.
Uses appropriate techniques to solve problems.
Determines important parameters or issues to take into account when solving problems.
Detail Oriented
Identifies discrepancies and inconsistencies in reports.
Selects the appropriate techniques for analysis.
Able to interpret financial data, reports, balance sheets, and cash flow analysis.
Can effectively interpret and analyze data.
Organizes information for decision making.
Comparative Analysis
Evaluates the integrity and comparability of data and identify existing gaps.
Identifies patterns in conflicting information, events, or data.
Identifies deviations from stated goals and objectives.
Balances risks and costs with the rewards and probabilities of success when decisions.
Understands Business Impact
Prioritizes various actions to be taken when solving a problem.
Identifies the part of the business value chain that is affected by a particular decision or action, diagnoses the situation, and prioritize what needs to be done and who needs to be involved.
Recognizes patterns, draws logical conclusions, and makes recommendations for action.