360 Feedback Competency: Accountability
They are . . .
Can be counted on to do what they say they are going to do.
Is someone you can trust.
Is someone who is there when you need them.
Accepts accountability for results.
Accepts accountability for their actions.
Accepts accountability for their work.
Accepts accountability for their results.
Process and Procedure
Requires employees to submit action plans, timelines or other objectives.
Requires team members to present progress reports or prepare contingency plans.
Develops goals and establishes objective measures of success.
Creates a consistent process for prioritizing work.
Challenges Others
Defines roles, rights, and responsibilities of employees.
Allows employees to set their own performance goals.
Encourages employees to take on greater responsibilities.
Seeks commitment from employees prior to assigning tasks.
Encourages employees to set challenging but achievable goals.
In Problem Solving
Tackles issues head on and finds solutions.
Performance and Results
Acts like an owner when they make decisions.
Able to effectively limit risk-taking while maintaining optimal performance.
Takes responsibility for results.
Takes personal responsibility for results.
Keeps their word and does what they say they will do.
Holds team accountable to meeting goals.
Justly applies disciplinary measures.
Responses to Setbacks
Takes ownership of mistakes and learns from them.
Requires advanced warning on problems and issues that will affect completion of tasks.
Organizational Awareness
Implements and facilitates controls and processes that maintain the integrity of the organization.
Is aware of problems or issues that may affect the organization.
Remains knowledgable of Company performance.
Keeps Supervisor in the Loop
Keeps supervisor informed of recent events.
Informs supervisor of progress without having to be asked about it.
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