Our consultants have decades of experience developing and aministering 360-Degree Feedback assessment systems.
We will collaborate with your HR team to understand, evaluate, and develop a solution to meet your needs.
We design innovative survey solutions to meet the particular needs of our clients.
Better Feedback = Better Performance
Knowing where improvements are needed is critical to addressing those issues.
Our questionnaires can help you focus on the competencies critical for success in the workplace.
We design assessments to measure the most important competencies of the positions.
Consultants At Your Service
We will work with you to design your questionnaire. This is not a "do-it-yourself" website with a subscription model for you to do all of the work.
Instead, with input from you, we will create a best in class solution to meet your needs. You will have input at each step in the process.
On-line Tools To Develop Questionnaires
Our tools include item bank; item selectors; response scale selectors; survey creators; demo questionnaires